Welcome to Holding Hope, You Are Not Alone.

a drug addiction quote

“I could walk a mile in your shoes, but I already know they’re just as uncomfortable as mine. Let’s walk next to each other instead” ( Lynda Meyers)

Allow me to introduce myself, as a mom to three beautiful daughters…

Did I ever think my ordinary, average, normal life would be touched by Substance Use disorder?  No, never.

I always thought hardcore drug use was from the other side of the tracks, or was that just what I naively thought? I have since learned that no one is immune to substance use. It can happen to anyone.

I live in Victoria, BC, a 3rd generation Victorian, with all of my family from both sides around me as I grew up. As a young mother, my eldest daughter had her Grandparents and GreatGrandparents in her life.  I was so lucky to have support and my daughter was loved and treasured.

Our journey was not fraught with major incidents during her teen years as so many families struggle with. However, the years after high school for my daughter were a combination of homelessness, overdoses, arrests, court, methadone, detox and two tries at a rehab centre that cost a fortune. When your child asks for help, you will do anything to save them.  Families spend so many sleepless nights grieving for their child while they are still alive.

I felt so alone for so long trying to navigate the HealthCare system and not having anyone to talk to all while trying to save my daughter's life.

One day I heard Leslie McBain, one of the co-founders of Mom’s Stop the Harm, on CBC radio. I searched for MSTH on the web as soon as I got home.  I reached out to them and Leslie McBain called me. I finally found others that understood the plight of a parent with a loved one struggling with substance use disorder.  After years of feeling alone and having no one to talk to due to the stigma associated with addiction, I was finally with people that understood.

You are not alone, Holding Hope peer led groups are throughout BC and Canada and we are growing. Holding Hope is a place where it is safe, confidential, and non judgmental.  Those attending can be supported and support others as we try to help our loved ones find recovery. I am now a Facilitator of a Holding Hope group and I am grateful to be able to give back all that I have learned. I am so very thankful that these groups exist.

I welcome you and hope that our Holding Hope groups will be as important and helpful to you as it has been and continues to be for me.

Correne Antrobus (A Holding Hope Facilitator - Victoria, BC)